What is customer service?
Customer service can be represented by all the interactions that take place between a company employee and a customer[2]. 2] It is therefore essential to ensure that every interaction between your customers and your teams is of the highest quality and friendliness possible in order to constantly ensure the highest level of satisfaction. Let's not forget that customer service represents all possible points of contact with the customer: the call, the interactions on the website, the ergonomics of your web page, the quality of your chatbot if there is one, the clarity of the product sheet, etc.
In other words, customer service starts long before a sale and continues even after the transaction. In the process of selling a training course at Technologia, for example, it is not uncommon to receive a call from a customer first. This first step is crucial because it allows us to determine whether we will be able to help them and to accurately target their needs. It is all the more important because if the need is not properly identified at the outset, the customer relationship will necessarily be affected later on.
At the time of the sale, it is wise to remind the customer of the benefits of his purchase. Afterwards, making sure that the right product is delivered on time will help you increase your customers' level of satisfaction. Finally, after-sales service is a step that we tend to forget, but which is particularly useful if we wish to develop the professional relationship. For example, don't hesitate to contact your customers again to inform them of current news or promotions and to offer them exclusive advantages. You'll see, your customers will be delighted!
Good service, good reputation
It's rather simplistic, you might say, but it's so true! The key to a successful customer relationship is certainly listening. I can't repeat it enough: listen, listen, listen. This notion of listening frankly and sincerely will be essential for a long-term relationship, because the customer will feel confident to express his needs and even his dissatisfactions in order to quickly rectify the situation, when necessary[3].
Some tips for handling complaints
A dissatisfied customer will be part of your career path. However, there are a few tips and tricks you can keep in mind to deal with complaints and difficult customers.
Stay calm
Your state of mind during the complaint management process is very important because it will determine the tone that will be established between you and your client for the rest of the process. There is no need to become emotional or lose your cool. Never forget that if the client is more aggressive, it is often because he or she is afraid of not being believed and heard. If you are afraid of losing your temper, consider inviting a colleague to join you to help ease the tension.
Take the time to listen to the customer and the complaint
Listening is what will save you a lot of trouble, as this is when the customer will give you the opportunity to accurately tell you about the situation. Ask questions, probe for details and, most importantly, make sure you understand the exact source of the complaint. For example, if they are disappointed with the quality of the product offered, why not take the time to review their initial expectations in relation to the price they paid. Perhaps you will find common ground much more quickly than you initially thought.
Be understanding
As mentioned above, the customer may tend to express himself emotionally because he is afraid of not being believed. An important concept to keep in mind is to be understanding of the reasons for their complaint by limiting interventions that might make them uncomfortable or closed off. Remind him, from the start, that you will do whatever is necessary to find a solution quickly.
Build trust between you
By beginning your intervention with a thank you for having made the complaint, you will establish a climate of trust and calm that will be beneficial for the rest of the intervention. The customer needs to feel that he or she is part of the equation and that he or she is considered within your company. This is the feeling that can make them a loyal customer in the long run.
Announce the next steps in managing the complaint
How long will it take to process the complaint? Who will be responsible for handling it? How does the internal complaint management process actually work? These small questions are very useful indicators for the customer to know that the case will be handled within a reasonable time frame.
Communicate with the client
After going through the complaint handling process, the customer will expect to hear from you to bring closure to the case and ultimately to return to purchase products and services from you. Do not hesitate to contact them to confirm that they are now satisfied and that the process is working for them.
This last step is often neglected in customer service, but it is the final touch to a process that may have required the contribution of several internal resources. In this context, finish it off with a bang!
Customer service is an art in itself and the process of managing complaints and difficult customer relationships can be quite a sport. As mentioned earlier, effective management of your customer relations will have a beneficial impact on your company's reputation. In closing, a suggestion: if a client is satisfied with your professional relationship, why not invite him to go to Google and rate the quality of your service? These are small gestures that can have very positive results for your business. Good luck!
To go further :
Customer Relationship: Handling Complaints and Difficult Situations
[1] Desjardins Entreprises. https://www.desjardins.com/coopmoi/entreprises/fiches-conseils/service-clientele-comment-eviter-plaintes-gerer-efficacement/
[2] Gouvernement du Québec (Grands organismes). https://grandsorganismes.gouv.qc.ca/fileadmin/Fichiers/Publications/Meilleures_pratiques_plaintes.pdf
[3] Info Entrepreneurs. https://www.infoentrepreneurs.org/fr/guides/bl---gestion-des-relations-clients/?gclid=EAIaIQobChMI1uPq2LDr9gIVWNKzCh03FAchEAAYAiAAEgI_cfD_BwE
[4] B2H Conseils. https://b2hconseils.com/comment-traitez-vous-les-plaintes-dans-votre-entreprise/