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Sourcing to anticipate vacancies

by Technologia
Sourcing to anticipate vacancies

Sourcing is the process of finding candidates for a position. More precisely, it consists in canvassing passive candidates (people in employment), their interest in the position and transforming them into active candidates.

With the advent of the Internet and social media, all candidate information is available online, making it possible to find the best talent for a job opening.
We review the best practices of effective sourcing for the recruitment of qualified talent with our new trainer Sandrine Théard.

How to define your recruitment needs?

What recruitment strategy to adopt according to the need? How to define the position to be filled?

"We must define the recruitment need and the profile of the ideal candidate with the hiring manager. We must choose the way to recruit, proactive or reactive, i.e. do we use sourcing or another technique to recruit? What posting strategy will we adopt if it is a traditional recruitment campaign? If we use sourcing, on which networks are we going to look for our candidate?"

What are some ways to contact talent?

"In addition to traditional social media like LinkedIn, we also contact them on Facebook, on Stalk Overflow and Github for IT positions but even more surprisingly we also reach them on Reddit (discussion platform) and on Quora. However, traditional means such as phone or email also work well. There is no preferred method of communication because some candidates will prefer to receive an email and others a call and what counts is the candidate's approach above all."

What are the tips to convince a potential candidate?

"You have to put the candidate at the heart of the recruitment process, by learning about him or her in order to personalize the approach message. You can find out a lot of information about the candidate online, study their LinkedIn profile, look to see if you have any connections in common and tell them why they are the best candidate for the job."

How do you follow up with qualified candidates?

"After the search phase, if you have found the ideal candidate for a position, you can follow up with them up to 4 times, giving them the arguments that show they are right for the job. Try to vary the means of communication if possible because some people, especially if they are not looking for a job, do not regularly check their LinkedIn messages."

How do you conduct the first phone interview and hook a candidate?

"To start, you need to determine with them what their interests are in changing jobs. You'd be surprised how many people are willing to change jobs! It is said that more than 60% of employees are dissatisfied with their job for various reasons. You have to find the right argument to convince them, it can be a better salary, better equipment or technology, a promotion, a workplace closer to home. For example, I had the case of a woman who had young children, the job I offered her offered a lower salary so I focused my argument on work-life balance because this new job was 5 minutes from her home. With a lot of persuasion, she accepted the job!"

How do you measure the effectiveness of your recruitment process?

What are the key performance indicators?

"The time factor plays a big role, the candidate search or sourcing phase can take a lot of time and generate costs. There are also qualitative indicators: measuring the candidate experience with a satisfaction questionnaire, calculating the number of candidates who responded compared to the number of candidates approached.

What is the biggest challenge for recruiters in Quebec today?

"Given the labor shortage and the low unemployment rate in Quebec, every company should take care of its employer brand (see Pierre Léonard's detailed article on this subject), put forward a differentiating element, communicate its values and the advantages of working for their company."

To learn more, sign up for our training:

Recruitment: Selecting and Convincing Qualified Talent

You will discover effective search techniques that will allow you to attract passive candidates and fill your vacancies.


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