Objectives of the training
Wondering how you can be more productive? Finding it hard to concentrate? Hoping to squeeze a few more things into a busy day? Interested in communicating and presenting better? Or just hoping to get out of a rut? This course provides proven hacks from top experts in improving your efficiency in all of these areas. Get ready to boost your performance at work and in your daily life.Targeted audience
Course architecture
Training Notes
100% online training with completely flexible schedule. Accessible anytime from anywhere. This training includes interactive modules, questionnaires, videos, tools and fact sheets. One-year access to the training.
Private or personalized training
If you have more than 8 people to sign up for a particular course, it can be delivered as a private session right at your offices. Contact us for more details.
Request a quotePrivate or personalized training
If you have more than 8 people to sign up for a particular course, it can be delivered as a private session right at your offices. Contact us for more details.
Request a quote