Mariola Wielgopolan was the manager of a sales team assigned to the largest business accounts including an American Multinational Corporation on the Global Fortune 500 list.
Mariola, coach and entrepreneur, graduated in 1992 from the École des hautes études commerciales de Montréal in Finance and International Management. For ten years, she has worked for an American Multinational Corporation on the Global Fortune 500 list. She held a number of positions before being appointed manager of the sales team assigned to the largest business accounts.
Mariola is eager to apply her knowledge to assist the next generation and bring to evolving companies a new approach to human capitol management.
We can organize a tailor-made training course with this expert, in your company, to develop your teams' skills in line with their work reality.
To find out more, visit or 514 380-0380 / (toll-free) 1 877 380-8228