Steffan Surdek, expert reconnu en leadership, a toujours été poussé à élargir cette notion pour y inclure chaque membre de l’équipe. He writes about it on platforms such as, and

Founder of Surdek Solutions, Steffan has accumulated over 2,000 hours of workshop and training facilitation around Agile and Lean practices. He is an integral development coach who helps people grow and develop through experiential learning.

Steffan, as a senior consultant, has a strong impact on his customers as he helps them reshape their business cultures and guides them to become more collaborative and efficient.

We can organize a tailor-made training session with this expert, in your company, to develop your teams' skills based on their work reality.
To find out more, visit or 514 380-0380 / (toll-free) 1 877 380-8228
Steffan Surdek

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