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Optimize recruitment by meeting talent expectations

Marie-Andrée Levesque
Optimize recruitment by meeting talent expectations

The job market in 2024 continues to evolve, with changing expectations on the part of talent. What's more, the shortage of skilled talent seems to be continuing. This presents companies with both challenges and opportunities: they need to adapt if they are to have any chance of attracting the best profiles, avoiding ghosting and confirming the interest of successful candidates with good employee experience.


Successful talent sourcing

Effective sourcing helps to diversify the pool of candidates and anticipate vacancies. Above all, it allows us to identify "passive" profiles who, although excellent candidates, are not actively looking for new opportunities. Using a variety of platforms, professional social networks, and participating in networking events broadens horizons. Collaborating with educational institutions and participating in career forums also helps to spot talent early on in their career paths. What's more, proactively creating talent pools and using advanced sourcing tools can help identify and engage passive candidates. Anticipating recruitment needs through sourcing saves time and reduces the costs associated with urgent recruitment.

And if you've succeeded in arousing interest, the next step is not to disappoint.

Meeting talent expectations

You've gone to the trouble of sourcing profiles, but you still need to "match your plumage to your raven", as La Fontaine put it in the fable of the crow and the fox. In other words, your promises must reflect the reality of your organization. And that reality must match the aspirations of the candidates. In this case, today's talent is looking for employers who value :

  • Work-life balance
  • Flexible working hours and locations
  • Meaning at work and positive impact on society
  • Professional and career development opportunities

Let's be positive and assume that your pitch is aligned with your organizational reality... but nothing's won yet! One false step and the perfect candidate could slip through your fingers, ghosting you.

Avoiding ghosting

The phenomenon of ghosting, where candidates disappear without warning, is a growing problem. The main reasons for ghosting include

  • lengthy recruitment processes
  • Lack of communication
  • Not-so-attractive offers

What can you do about it?

  • Improve transparency by communicating regularly on recruitment progress
  • Reduce the time between the various stages of the recruitment process
  • Offer constructive feedback after each interview
  • Maintain regular contact with candidates throughout the process

Glassdoor reports that 58% of candidates appreciate companies that communicate regularly throughout the recruitment process.

This is essential because, for the person about to say yes to you and leave their current job, it's a leap into the unknown, and it's never easy. Your potential talent may be asking a lot of questions, including: Why change when I'm happy where I am? Why choose this offer over another employer? Maybe I can use this offer to further my career at my current company?

It's a long-term process. Just in time, we're on the eve of summer, a good time to start.

Don't wait until September to start recruiting

Summer can be a good time to start recruiting. Your competitors' activity slows down, giving you a window of opportunity to raise your profile. Some talents will also take advantage of this period to actively prepare their own return to work. It's also easier for candidates to schedule appointments. Finally, recruiting in the summer allows you to start the new school year on the right foot, rather than having to embark on a recruitment process while everyone else is in the rush.

How to optimize this period :

  • Update your advertisements to reflect your current needs
  • Reactivate candidate databases and contact interesting past profiles
  • Reinforce your employer brand by sharing employee testimonials and success stories on social networks.
  • Plan and organize recruitment and networking events
  • Review and improve the recruitment process to make it more efficient and engaging

With a little luck and a lot of perseverance and planning, you'll actually recruit talent. All that remains is to transform the candidate experience into a compelling employee experience.

Successfully integrating new recruits

Well-structured induction is crucial to talent retention. An effective induction program, including training sessions, mentoring and clear communication of expectations, makes it easier for new employees to adapt. According to a study by the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM), companies with a well-designed induction program retain 69% of their new hires beyond three years.


In 2024, successfully attracting and retaining talent requires a global approach that integrates candidate expectations, effective recruitment processes and well thought-out integration. By adapting their recruitment and retention strategies, companies can not only attract but also retain the best profiles, ensuring their long-term success.

To find out more :

Recruitment: attracting talent in a context of labor shortage


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