Julie Banville, CRHA

With nearly 20 years' experience as a manager, entrepreneur and trainer in multiple organizations, Julie has an in-depth understanding of the realities of employees and managers in a constantly changing workplace.

A member of the Ordre des CRHA, with a bachelor's degree in business administration and a DESS in training management and skills development, she has over the years created innovative and sustainable solutions for companies, promoting self-management, collaboration, healthy communication and well-being in work teams.

Her career path has led her to co-write two books on yoga published by Hachette and Larousse, to be a guest lecturer in various contexts, including a course in Occupational Health and Safety at UQAT, and to collaborate on Josée Lavigueur's Ma Zone Fit platform.

Passionate about learning, Julie is constantly in training. Her most recent training courses are Mental Health First Aid from the Canadian Mental Health Association, Mindful Leader an organization recognized in the U.S. for its caring leadership approach, Psychosocial Risks at Work: From Identification to Prevention offered by the INSPQ, Emotional Intelligence and the Cultivating Recognition at Work MOOC from Université Laval.

Julie has worked in a variety of environments during her career, from SMEs to public organizations, where she has been able to put these valuable tools into practice to help individuals optimize their quality of life, mobilization and productivity at work!

Founder of ZEN&CIE, Julie joined the Technologia team to develop a health and well-being offering.
Julie Banville, CRHA