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Business leader: the master builder of the digital transformation.

by Technologia
Business leader: the master builder of the digital transformation.

Let's put it this way: without the voluntary, not to say proactive, commitment of the CEO, the chances of success are limited. For a good reason: digital transformation impacts all the company's departments, which will have to work together, differently, to rethink, or even reinvent, the business model. And the CEO, as the formal sponsor of a digital transformation project, is the only person who can ensure the necessary cohesion to achieve the targeted changes. However, it is not a matter of following "his instincts", but rather of taking into account a few principles that have proven their worth.

Rethink the notion of value.

Transformation is not for the sake of transformation, but to add value to the customer and therefore to the organization. And you have to be able to step back and look beyond the current business model to consider other ways of doing things and succeed in delivering more value, more quickly and at a lower cost. This is why it is important to remain open to new practices and trends, even outside your core business. It is also important to consider the transformation, not as a whole, but in the form of sub-projects, easily identifiable, controllable and for which it is easy to establish a roadmap (including resources, deliverables, requirements, timeline, KPIs, etc.). If the value-oriented approach is primarily aimed at the customer, one should not neglect the possible addition of value internally as well. When systems are well integrated and employees have mastered them, the whole system becomes more efficient and can be reconfigured as needed. Or when complementary organizations (partners or service providers) connect to improve the entire production chain...

Develop your employer brand to attract (and keep) the best talent

And no, salary is not the answer to everything. However, developing your employer brand to make your organization attractive thanks to its real assets pays off in terms of talent attraction and retention. People don't choose a job (only) for the salary, but also because it represents a motivating project, a good reason to get up in the morning, the possibility to work on something innovative/significant, where risk-taking is encouraged, where there is the opportunity to access state-of-the-art tools or methods, etc. Your current and future employees will also be motivated if they see that the means are in place for them to develop their skills, acquire new ones and that there is a plan for training the next generation. In doing so, they will become internal ambassadors for their projects and the transformation, and external ambassadors for the company in general... to attract new talent. It's a beautiful virtuous circle.

Technology and data for business

The implementation of new technologies, inherent to digital transformation, should only be aimed at solving problems or providing new opportunities. This information can only be provided by data. Objective, it is an aid to decision making (both to identify a new project to launch, and to close one that does not fulfill its promises) and to monitoring (of progress, results, etc.). It is therefore important to identify the key data to be monitored and to share the findings in order to guide budget allocation and training plans. Beyond this internal component, the organization must also use the data to rethink its external component and its approach according to the user path, to ensure that it meets its needs.

Flexibility and velocity

Without going into the details of the Agile method, generally associated with a digital transformation project, we can still put forward the importance of flexibility and speed. First, flexibility in the management and allocation of budgetary and human resources, according to the needs defined by the roadmap. From this flexibility will come speed of delivery. Both are favored with a Management 3.0 type approach: where the general objectives are defined by the management, while favoring the autonomy of the teams to reach them.
An obligation of results, not of means.

Encourage the adoption of change throughout the organization

It's not easy to get teams on board for a transformation that will involve continuous improvement, which means regular change to constantly adapt to the market and customers. Despite everyone's good will, the CEO has a double role to play without this adoption. First, he or she must keep an eye on the performance indicators to ensure that everything is going well, intervene if necessary and put in place the incentives that will encourage the teams to move in his or her direction. Then, by making sure that you communicate your intentions regularly, to the right people and in the right way. Having a support person responsible for change can be very useful. It is also important to remember that such a transformation project is not the sole responsibility of I.T., but of the entire organization. If only because everyone will be impacted! But for the mayonnaise to take hold, the company manager must be able to propose an inspiring project, both to his management team and to all employees. A project that answers the following questions:

  • What is the issue it addresses?
  • What will be the consequences of not solving it?
  • Are there alternatives?
  • What are the expected results?


Digital transformation must enter companies for survival. It can be done massively or gradually. To succeed and for the investment it represents to bear fruit, the management team must be fully committed to a common goal. This means that managers are involved in the process and support it, embodying it on a daily basis, and mandating teams to relay the objectives and follow up on them. Finally, and most importantly, it requires employee buy-in, not by imposing a plan on them to follow, but by encouraging their involvement in its creation and execution.

To go further :

Digital transformation: planning for success

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