UA 1 - Diagnose your time management method
At the end of this learning unit, participants will be able to diagnose the time management method they have developed over time. In particular, they will be able to identify the best practices that will enable them to better manage their workload and carry out their multiple tasks and follow-ups.
Initial reflection and exercise on priorities
Workload identification exercise
Identify your own methods
Finding solutions to this complexity
UA 2 - First pillar-Effective planning for the short, medium and long term
Planning is the cornerstone of time management. Our approach optimizes planning while reducing the amount of time it requires. It combines rigor and flexibility. Participants will also learn how to align their IT tools with good planning practices.
Principles of good use of time management and collaborative tools
The importance of centralizing information in a single tool, and how to achieve this
How to manage time-consuming tasks and projects
The importance of calculating and taking into account your manageable time to better control unforeseen events
How to implement the new method
UA 3 - Second pillar - Knowing how to prioritize
Prioritization is certainly the soul of time management. It's what gives real meaning to our actions. In this module, we'll look at the criteria that should guide us in identifying our priorities.
How to set priorities :
- What criteria determine whether an activity is a priority?
- Knowing and interpreting the Eisenhower matrix
- Plan your priorities according to value-added activities
The time boxing method
Planning and prioritizing value-added activities according to your role
UA 4 - Third pillar - sticking to your plan
Planning is the cornerstone of time management, but it must be respected. This ability is based on a series of golden rules that are the key. We begin this module with a self-assessment test that enables participants to position themselves in relation to some of their own methods and attitudes. This will enable them to adopt certain key gestures that can make all the difference.
Identify time-suckers for self and team
Key time management actions to implement
-The right principles for organizing files and e-mails
- Effective e-mail life-cycle management techniques
- Techniques for managing novelty and staying on course
- Techniques to ensure you never forget anything
- How to manage multiple tasks while staying on track
- Grouping similar tasks
- Controlling telecommunications
- Controlling interruptions
- How to negotiate your schedule
- Maximizing your effectiveness at work
- Effective communications.
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